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Open Source Project Management Tools




The objective of the project "Rapla" is to provide an easy-to-use resource-management system.

The primary target of the program were universities. Rapla allows coordination beetween the lectures and the administration. It offers multiple ways to view the available resources and schedule the events. Rapla started as a simple room booking software, but in the last five years it evolved into a fully configurable framework for event and resource-management.
Developement has started in a practical course at the department of Computer Science III at the University of Bonn, Germany.



  • Multi-user, multi-languages (6 at the moment)
  • Conflict-management
  • A printable calendar
  • Grouping of appointments in reservations
  • Extensive appointment manipulation (repeating, exceptions)
  • support for periods
  • Hierarchical categorization of objects. Do you have to model your hierarchical organsiation?
  • A fine-grained permission model. You can set who can access what, when and how.
  • Customizable resource-, person-, and event-types. You can create your own types, with their specific attributes.
  • Usable in client-server mode or as standalone application.
  • Startable with webstart or as an applet (Java Plugin needed)
  • Stores data in xml-file or with the help of sql-database
  • Email notification on resource allocation
  • Plugin architecture (with currently a dozen plugins available)
  • HTML Read-only month-,week- and day- view. You can specify with filters what and how it should be visible to the outside.

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