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Open Source Project Management Tools

BORG Calendar

BORG Calendar


BORG is a combination calendar and task tracking system. The calendar supports all sorts of appointments and also a simple todo list. The calendar functionality is similar to that of other PIMs, such as Microsoft Outlook, Mozilla Calendar, Palm Desktop, Yahoo Calendar, etc... The T
ask Tracker goes way beyond todo's and might better be called a project tracking system.

BORG is basically meant to be a small self-contained Java application that you can run locally (i.e. without a network). Many users run it from a thumb drive.

BORG actually stands for Berger-Organizer. Unfortunately, the name BORG seems to be a popular choice for software products, probably due to the number of Star Trek fans that write code. The fact that BORG calendar also seems to refer to the Microsoft Outlook calendar makes things even more confusing.

  • Nice Month-at-a-time view
  • Week and Day Views
  • To-Do list
  • Month-print
  • Repeating Appointments
  • Private Appointments that do not show by default (for recording things like "rectal exam 2pm" that you don't need your friends/coworkers to see over your shoulder).
  • Pop-up reminders
  • Email reminders
  • A Task/Project Tracking System
  • A simple address book
  • MySQL DB, HSQLDB, or remote server
  • XML import/export
  • iCal import/export
  • Palm Hot-Sync Conduits

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